by Svenja
This weekend was a big day for most of the volunteers in Slovakia: The photo exhibition "The other Slovakia" in Bratislava opened on Friday in the GuNaGu theatre. 40 volunteers send their pictures about Slovakia, themselves and about their work. On Friday at 6 pm the exhibition opened with a dancing workshop and after the best pictures were chosen by a slovak jury. Everybody was really excited and there were many pictures with whole different inspiratons and views- how the volunteers are.
After the opening we had a small party with typical slovak food and went into the city. It was nice to meet all the people again we met at the on- arrival- training and many more volunteers who are already at the end of the project. We could talk about our expectations and about expiriences during our EVS.
We hope that we also could make a small exhibitions about the volunteers pictures in Trencin next year.
The exhibition will stay in Bratislava for one more week and will travel then all around Slovakia to Kosice!
Here are the pictures I send for the competition.