by Svenja
After spending the christmas time in Trenčín and the KCA closed, Paulo, Gilberto and me started our small trip to Germany to spent the holidays and the Christmas days there. From Trenčín we first went by bus to Prague and then to Dresden and Berlin. It was quite exorsting because the minus 15 degrees made it hard to stay outside for a longer time. In between we visited the biggest christmas market in the world in Dresden and I showed the two Brazilians the german sausages :) The same day we went on to Berlin and spent two days visiting the capital of Germany. Although, two days were not enought to see everything so we just visited the most important monuments and attractions. After that we flew to Bremen and finally I was home again and could see all my family and friends. First we celebrated my birthday with my friends and I showed our guests my city Oldenburg. It was really nice to taste again the food I missed so much in Slovakia, especially the turkish and indian food and to be able to buy some german books.
The christmas time was really nie and unfortunately we already had to leave on 27th of December and went on to Vienna, where we stayed for one night and visited the city.
After that, we came back to small and snowy Trenčín, quite tiered but full of new ideas for starting into the new year!