In North- west Germany we have a tradition that now lasts for many many years. A long time ago when people were starving in the winter we grew in Germany a vegetable that you could harvest in the winter time and we call it the green cabbage. After the first frost in autumn or winter this caggabe was fully grown and the people could eat it from their garden- wich was really practical because when its freezing it cannot rot. The people ate this kind of vegetable because it had everything they need for living: a lot of vitamins and it filled the people so they didnt have to starve.
Still we keep to this old tradition and we make a big celebration in the winter time. Together with friends we walk one afternoon long around the streets, playing games, talking and drinking and nobody except the "cabagge king" knows where the group is going. But all the time they end in a restaurant in the surrounding to eat the green cabbage and to celebrate in the evening and then they select a new king who needs to organise the tour for the next year.
With my german club here in Slovakia I didnt want to do the whole walking tour, but I wanted to show how we eat this traditional cabbage from northern Germany. In a nice atmosphere we sat together in Kulturne Centrum Aktivity and talked about this tradition, everybody could try the food and of course extend the german language skills of everybody!