13. januára 2014

Katarína Mičková


Som Katarína, mám 23 rokov a som z Dubnice. V júni som úspesne dokoncila svoje bakalarske studium a nasledovne sa rozhodla vyskusat rolu dobrovolnika. Nad vyberom krajiny som nerozmyslala ani sekundu. Nemecko mi totizto uz pocas rocneho Erasmu prirastlo k srdcu. Momentalne som dobrovolnicka v meste Magdeburg, hodinu od Berlina. Spolu s dalsimi dvomi dobrovolnickami pracujeme na projekte Lernen und leben im Einewelthause v organizacii AGSA. Ja som zodpovedna za spoluorganizovanie a planovanie medzinarodnych projektov, prebiehajucich v Magdeburgu, taktiez sa podielam na praci lokalnych aktivit. Hlavnou rolou v mojom EVS je organizacia nasho najvacsieho projektu, Eurocampu. Eurocamp je „tabor“ na ktorom sa zucastni priblizne 80 mladych ludi z roznych krajin Europy. Planuje sa takmer kazda minuta campu: od spoznavacich hier, cez pracovne aktivity az po modelovu konferenciu EU. Cielom je povzdvihnut „european awareness“ ,toleranciu a spolupracu krajin medzi sebou. Okrem tychto aktivit organizujeme dva krat mesacne Sprachcafe (Language Cafe) kde ma kazdy moznost spoznat novych ludi, obohatit svoje jazykove schopnosti ci naucit sa novy jazyk.
Svoj volny cas travim vacsinou s ostatnymi 6 dobrovolnickami, s ktorymi navstevujem nove mesta, rozne lokalne projekty ci akcie a nepohrdneme ani nad dobrym filmomJ


My name is Katarína and I am from Dubnica nad Váhom. After I achieved my bachelor degree I decided to try the role of being a volunteer. I could not think of a better place than Germany, as I already spent an Erasmus year in this country. Currently, I am a volunteer in Magdeburg, city one hour from Berlin. With 2 other volunteers we work on the project called Learning and living in oneworldhouse in AGSA. I am responsible for organising and planning the international activities which take place in Magdeburg, moreover I take also part in the local activities. The main point of my EVS stands on Eurocamp- the biggest project in our organisation, which hosts nearly 80 youngsters from all over the Europe. Almost every minute must be planned: from the getting-to-know games, through the working activities to the model European Union conference. The aim is to enrich the european awareness, tolerance and cooperation between the countries. Moreover, 2 times a month we organise Language Café, place where people can find new friends, enhance their language skills or even to learn new language.

I spend most of my free time with the other 6 volunteers, visiting new places, local projects or watching good movies.